1 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite Composite From Cuttlebone (sepia Sp.) With Chitosan Via In Situ As Antibacterial | ChemistrySelect 9 (3), e202303514, 2024 | 4 |
2 | Transesterification Of Palm Oil Catalyzed By Cao/sio2 Prepared From Limestone And Rice Husk Silica | Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science 4 (1), 49-57, 2024 | 1 |
3 | Green Precipitation Method Using Polyscias Scutellaria Extract In The Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite/alginate/copper (ii) Oxide Composites As A Drug Carrier | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (6), 147-153, 2024 | 0 |
4 | Effect Of Chitosan Concentration On Hydroxyapatite/chitosan Composite Synthesis Using The In-situ Method As A Dye Adsorbent | Kuwait Journal of Science 51 (4), 100252, 2024 | 5 |
5 | Feed Intake, Fiber Fraction Digestibility And Milk Yield Of Lactating Goats Fed Banana Peel In The Diet | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1341 (1), 012075, 2024 | 0 |
6 | Effect Of Soaking Mangrove Fruit (sonneratia Alba) With Lime Water On Crude Protein, Crude Fiber, And Nitrogen Free Extract Content As A Ruminant Feed | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1341 (1), 012063, 2024 | 1 |
7 | The Effect Of Mangrove Leaf (rhizophora Apiculata) Based Diet And Fermented Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) On The Metabolite Status Of Kacang Goats | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1341 (1), 012067, 2024 | 2 |
8 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composites: Study Of Ph And Sintering Influenced On The Structural, Morphological, And Clindamycin Release Behavior | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 24 (2), 334-347, 2024 | 0 |
9 | Cuttlefish (sepia Sp.) Derived Heat Resistance Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composites Through The Sol-gel Method. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 17 (2), 2024 | 0 |
10 | Optimization Of Malic Anhydrate Concentration In Manufacturing Pp-g-ma Compatibilizer On Test Percent Of Grafting Degree | Jurnal Natural 24 (2), 94-98, 2024 | 3 |
11 | Investigation Of The Antibacterial Activity Of Synthesized Hydroxyapatite Sr-doped Nanocomposite | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (9), 264-269, 2024 | 1 |
12 | The Effect Of Oleic Acid-grafted Linear Low-density Polyethylene As Compatibilizer On The Properties Of Linear Low-density Polyethylene/cyclic Natural Rubber Blends | Int. J. Technol 14 (1), 162-172, 2023 | 2 |
13 | Effects Of Lldpe On Mechanical Properties, Degradation Performance, And Water Absorption Of Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends | International Journal of Technology 14 (1), 173-184, 2023 | 8 |
14 | The Calcination Temperature Effect On The Crystallization And Morphology Of Hydroxyapatite From Bamboo Shell (sollen Spp.) | AIP Conference Proceedings 2588 (1), 2023 | 0 |
15 | The Effect Of Alginate Concentration On Crystallinity, Morphology, And Thermal Stability Properties Of Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composite | Polymers 15 (3), 614, 2023 | 16 |
16 | The Impact Of Replacement Of Concentrates With Fermented Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Avocado Waste (persea Americana Miller) In Fermented Sugarcane Shoots (saccharum … | Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 11 (3), 394-403, 2023 | 11 |
17 | The Effect Of Temperature On The Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite-polyethylene Glycol Composites By In-situ Process | Hybrid Advances 2, 100031, 2023 | 7 |
18 | In Vitro Evaluation Of Feed Quality Of Fermented Tithonia Diversifolia With Lactobacillus Bulgaricus And Persea Americana Miller Leaves As Forages For Goat | Tropical Animal Science Journal 46 (1), 43-54, 2023 | 11 |
19 | Blood Metabolite Status Of Peanut Goats Given Basalt Ration Of Sugar Cane (saccharum Officinarum) And Titonia (tithonia Diversifolia) Fermentation And Addition Of Peel Flour … | Developing Modern Livestock Production in Tropical Countries, 68-71, 2023 | 3 |
20 | Effect Of Plant Regulators On Fiber Fraction Content Of Mangrove Leave (rhizopora Apiculata) As Animal Feed | Developing Modern Livestock Production in Tropical Countries, 58-60, 2023 | 0 |
21 | In-situ Hydrothermal Method For Graphene Oxide/hydroxyapatite Synthesis From Scallop Shells. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 16 (1), 2023 | 7 |
22 | Effects Of Lldpe On Mechanical Properties, Degradation Performance, And Water Absorption Of Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends. | International Journal of Technology 14 (1), 2023 | 2 |
23 | Characterization And Application Of Tio 2/zno Nanoparticles As Pigments In Matt-type Water-based Paint. | International Journal of Technology 14 (2), 2023 | 3 |
24 | The Effect Of Oleic Acid-grafted Linear Low-density Polyethylene As Compatibilizer On The Properties Of Linear Low-density Polyethylene/cyclic Natural Rubber Blends. | International Journal of Technology 14 (1), 2023 | 2 |
25 | Transesterification Of Palm Oil Catalyzed By Cao/sio2 Prepared From Limestone And Rice Husk Silica | Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science, 2023 | 0 |
26 | The Impact Of Mangrove (rhizophora Apiculata) Leaves Hay And Fermented Tithonia Diversifolia On Intake, Nutrient Digestibility And Body Weight Gain Of Goat | Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 11 (9), 1441-1450, 2023 | 6 |
27 | Pelatihan Praktikum Kimia Sederhana Di Sman 16 Padang | Warta Pengabdian Andalas 30 (3), 562-568, 2023 | 0 |
28 | Pre-treatments Of Mirasolia Diversifolia Using Lactobacillus Bulgaricus At Different Dosages And Fermentation Times: Phytic Acid Concentration, Enzyme Activity, And … | South African Journal of Animal Science 53 (3), 429-437, 2023 | 8 |
29 | Photocatalytic Ozonation Of Cn-codoped Tio2 For Degradation Of Orange-f3r Dye | AIP Conference Proceedings 2902 (1), 2023 | 0 |
30 | The Effect Of Ph On The Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite-polyethylene Glycol Composites By In-situ Process. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 16 (3), 2023 | 0 |
31 | The Effect Of Alginate Concentration On Crystallinity, Morphology, And Thermal Stability Properties Of Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composite. Polymers 2023, 15, 614 | - | 0 |
32 | Improved Mechanical Properties By Adding A Compatibilizer To The Thermoplastic Of Sago Starch/polypropylene Blends. | - | 0 |
33 | Comparison Of Pregnant Diagnosis In Local Buffalo With A Seed Germination Inhibition Test And Rectal Palpation | Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 11 (11), 1869-1874, 2023 | 1 |
34 | Production Performance, Feed Intake And Nutrient Digestibility Of Etawa Crossbreed Dairy Goats Fed Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia), Cassava Leaves And Palm Kernel … | - | 8 |
35 | Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite-polyethylene Glycol With In-situ Method Using Calcium Oxide From Blood Shells (anadara Granosa) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 23 (3), 618-626, 2023 | 8 |
36 | Peer Review_2019_pandiangan_the Journal Of Pure And Applied Chemistry Research | -, 2022 | 0 |
37 | Organic Modification Of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles As Filler In Lldpe/cnr Blends With The Presence Of Coupling Agents: Impact Strength, Thermal, And Morphology | Journal of Materials Research and Technology 17, 2326-2332, 2022 | 18 |
38 | Influence Of Lldpe-g-ma On Mechanical Properties, Degradation Performance And Water Absorption Of Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 22 (1), 171-178, 2022 | 20 |
39 | Improvement Of Mechanical, Thermal, And Morphological Properties Of Organo-precipitated Calcium Carbonate Filled Lldpe/cyclic Natural Rubber Composites | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 22 (1), 233-241, 2022 | 11 |
40 | The Influence Of Oleic Acid And Benzoyl Peroxide Against Oleic Acid Grafted Onto Lldpe | Rasayan J Chem 15 (01), 190-196, 2022 | 8 |
41 | Hydrothermal Synthesis Of Oaurivillius Phase: A Comparative Study Of A-site Cation Size On Structure, Dielectric, Optical Properties | Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 12 (02), 2150030, 2022 | 3 |
42 | Nutritional Analysis Of Mangrove Leaves (rhizophora Apiculata) Soaking With Lime Water For Ruminants Feed | iop conference series: earth and environmental science 1020 (1), 012010, 2022 | 7 |
43 | Oleic Acid Monomer And Benzoyl Peroxide Effect On Grafting Degree And Thermal Properties Of Lldpe Grafted With Oleic Acid In Solvent System | AIP Conference Proceedings 2638 (1), 2022 | 2 |
44 | Precipitated Calcium Carbonate/lithopone Nanoparticles As Substitution Of Tio2 Pigment For Matte-type Water-based Paint | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 15 (4), 2022 | 0 |
45 | Metode Ekstraksi Silika Dari Sekam Padi | - | 5 |
46 | Synthesis Of 2-hydroxyethyl Esters From Castor Oil As Lubrication Bio-additive Candidates For Low-sulfur Fossil Diesel | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 22 (3), 845-856, 2022 | 3 |
47 | Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) From Coral Reef As Raw Material For Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 15 (1), 2022 | 5 |
48 | Mise En Scene Dalam Film Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan | Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa 11 (2), 288-295, 2022 | 5 |
49 | Impact Of Tithonia Diversifolia And Pennisetum Purpureum-based Ration On Nutrient Intake, Nutrient Digestibility And Milk Yield Of Etawa Crossbreed Dairy Goat | Int. J. Vet. Sci 11, 327-335, 2022 | 7 |
50 | In Vitro Evaluation Of Mangrove Leaves (rhizophora Apiculata) And Native Grass Based On Phytochemical, Nutritional And Fiber Degradability, Rumen Liquid Characteristics And Gas … | Adv Anim Vet Sci 10, 2412-20, 2022 | 3 |
51 | Impact Of Tithonia Diversifolia And Pennisetum Purpureum-based Ration On Nutrient Intake, Nutrient Digestibility And Milk Yield Of Etawa Crossbreed Dairy Goat. | - | 20 |
52 | Milk Lactose, Specific Gravity And Mineral Of Etawa Dairy Goat Fed With Palm Kernel Cake Based Concentrate, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia), Sweet Potato Leaves (ipomoea … | - | 0 |
53 | Improved Mechanical Properties By Adding A Compatibilizer To The Thermoplastic Of Sago Starch/polypropylene Blends. | - | 0 |
54 | Rizqan, 2023a. Production Performance, Feed Intake And Nutrient Digestibility Of Etawa Crossbreed Dairy Goats Fed Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia), Cassava Leaves And Palm … | Internasional Journal of Veterinary Science. https://doi. org/10.47278 …, 2022 | 6 |
55 | Structural Transformation In Mn-substituted Sr2bi2ta2tio12 Aurivillius Phase Synthesized By Hydrothermal Method: A Comparative Study And Dielectric Properties | Ceramics International 47 (6), 8014-8019, 2021 | 5 |
56 | The Use Of Mgo/sio2 As Catalyst For Transesterification Of Rubber Seed Oil With Different Alcohols | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751 (1), 012100, 2021 | 10 |
57 | Pengaruh Biourine Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil Hijauan, Protein Kasar Serta Fosfor Rumput Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees) Pada Lahan Bekas Tambang … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 23 (1), 1-6 | 0 |
58 | Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi Mg, Cu-hidroksiapatit Menggunakan Kalsium Dari Cangkang Kerang Lokan (geloina Expansa) Serta Pengujian Aktivitas Antibakteri | Universitas Andalas, 2021 | 1 |
59 | In Vitro Regeneration Of Sesbania Grandiflora Using Explants | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694 (1), 012033, 2021 | 1 |
60 | Milk Quality Of Etawa Dairy Goat Fed Palm Kernel Cake, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Sweet Potato Leaves (ipomoea Batatas L) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 709 (1), 012023, 2021 | 0 |
61 | Effect Of Boiling On In-vitro Nutrients Digestibility, Rumen Fluid Characteristics, And Tannin Content Of Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Leaves As Animal Feed | IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 733 (1), 012106, 2021 | 7 |
62 | Pengaruh Perebusan Daun Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Dengan Air Abu Sekam Terhadap Kecernaan Fraksi Serat (ndf, Adf, Selulosa, Dan Hemiselulosa) Secara In-vitro | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 23 (2Â …, 2021 | 3 |
63 | Quality Improvement Of Sugarcane Top As Animal Feed With Biodelignification By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Fungi On In-vitro Digestibility Of Ndf, Adf, Cellulose And Hemicellulose | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1940 (1), 012063, 2021 | 15 |
64 | Mineral Status Of Soil, Sea Water, And Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Forages In Several Coastal Areas Of West Sumatra, Veterinary World, 14 (6): 1594-1601 | Abstract, 2021 | 0 |
65 | Mineral Status Of Soil, Sea Water, And Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Forages In Several Coastal Areas Of West Sumatra | Veterinary World 14 (6), 1594, 2021 | 9 |
66 | Pengaruh Biourine Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil Hijauan, Protein Kasar Serta Fosfor Rumput Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees) Pada Lahan Bekas Tambang … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 23 (1), 1-4, 2021 | 8 |
67 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Cao Limestone From Lintau Buo Supported By Tio 2 As A Heterogeneous Catalyst In The Production Of Biodiesel | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (4), 979-989, 2021 | 12 |
68 | Production Of Starch-based Bioplastic From Durio Zibethinus Murr Seed Using Glycerol As Plasticizer | Jurnal Riset Kimia 12 (2), 2021 | 7 |
69 | In Vitro Nutrient Digestibility, Volatile Fatty Acids And Gas Production Of Fermented Palm Fronds Combined With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Elephant Grass (pennisetum … | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012067 | 0 |
70 | Biodelignification Of Sugarcane Shoots: Agricultural Waste Management Strategy As An Alternative Feed For Ruminants | iop conference series: earth and environmental science 888 (1), 012078, 2021 | 5 |
71 | Milk Lactose, Specific Gravity And Mineral Of Etawa Dairy Goat Fed With Palm Kernel Cake Based Concentrate, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia), Sweet Potato Leaves (ipomoea … | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012004 | 0 |
72 | Hydrothermal Synthesis Of Abi<sub>2</sub>ta<sub>2</sub>o<sub>9</sub>aurivillius Phase: A Comparative Study Of A-site Cation Size On Structure, Dielectric, Optical Properties | Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 2150030 | 0 |
73 | Improving Mechanical And Physical Properties On Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends With The Addition Of Polypropylene | Rasayan J. Chem 14 (4), 2451-2458, 2021 | 9 |
74 | Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Leaves As An Alternative Feed Resources For Ruminants | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012079, 2021 | 3 |
75 | The Influence Of Oleic Acid And Benzoyl Peroxide Againts Oleic Acid Grafted Onto Lldpe | Rasatan J. Chem. Manuscr Submitt Publ, 2021 | 4 |
76 | Catalytic Activity Of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate For Biodiesel Production | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 14 (3), 2021 | 6 |
77 | Similirity_2019_pandiangan_jpacr_8_2_catalytic Performance Of Caosio2 Prepared From Local Limestone Industry And Rice Husk Silica | -, 2021 | 0 |
78 | In Vitro Nutrient Digestibility, Volatile Fatty Acids And Gas Production Of Fermented Palm Fronds Combined With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Elephant Grass (pennisetum … | iop conference series: earth and environmental science 888 (1), 012067, 2021 | 9 |
79 | Milk Lactose, Specific Gravity And Mineral Of Etawa Dairy Goat Fed With Palm Kernel Cake Based Concentrate, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia), Sweet Potato Leaves (ipomoea … | - | 1 |
80 | The Influence Of Oleic Acid And Benzoyl Peroxide Against Oleic Acid Grafted Onto Lldpe | Rasatan J. Chem. Manuscr Submitt Publ, 2021 | 4 |
81 | Improvement Of Mechanical, Thermal, And Morphological Properties Of Organo-precipitated Calcium Carbonate Filled Lldpe/cyclic Natural Rubber Composites | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 22 (1), 233-241, 2021 | 6 |
82 | The Effect Of Ph On The Synthesis And Characterization Hydroxyapatite From Bamboo Shell (sollen Spp.) With Emulsion Method | Journal of Applicable Chemistry 10 (6), 872-879, 2021 | 3 |
83 | Lignin Content, Ligninase Enzyme Activity And In Vitro Digestability Of Sugarcane Shoots Using Pleurotus Ostreatus And Aspergillus Oryzae At Different Fermentation Times | American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 16 (3), 192-201, 2021 | 21 |
84 | Dasar Nutrisi Ruminansia Jilid 2 | Andalas University Press. Padang, 2021 | 4 |
85 | In Vitro Regeneration Of Sesbania Grandiflora Using Explants. | - | 1 |
86 | Milk Quality Of Etawa Dairy Goat Fed Palm Kernel Cake, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Sweet Potato Leaves (ipomoea Batatas L). | - | 2 |
87 | Mineral Status Of Soil, Sea Water, And Mangrove (avicennia Marina) Forages In Several Coastal Areas Of West Sumatra. Veterinary World, 14 (6), 1594–1601 | Abstract, 2021 | 1 |
88 | Dasar Nutrisi Ruminansia Jilid Ii | Andalas University Press, Padang, Indonesia, 2021 | 5 |
89 | Analisis Sektroskopi Infra Merah Dan Morfologi Pada Komposit Polietilena/karet Alam Siklis/precipitated Calcium Carbonate Yang Dihasilkan Melalui Metode Sistem Pelarut | Prosiding SNKT Himpunan Mahasiswa Kimia FMIPA UNMUL, 1-6, 2021 | 1 |
90 | Online Version Is Available On: Www. Ijas. Ir | Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 10 (3), 421-427, 2020 | 0 |
91 | Kinetics Studies On Photodegradation Of Methyl Orange In The Presence Of Cn-codoped Tio2 Catalyst | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 63 (Special Issue (Part 2) Innovation in), 2-3, 2020 | 22 |
92 | Degradation And Mineralization Of Violet-3b Dye Using C-n-codoped Tio<sub>2</sub> Photocatalyst | Environmental Engineering Research 25 (4), 529-535 | 4 |
93 | Milk Quality Of Etawa Crossbred Dairy Goat Fed Combination Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds, Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Elephant Grass (pennisetum Purpureum) | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1469 (1), 012004, 2020 | 12 |
94 | Digestibility Of Goat Rations Containing Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Supplemented With Phosphorus, Sulfur And Magenesium (hasil Check Similarity) | Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau | 1 |
95 | Kandungan Fraksi Serat Pelepah Sawit Hasil Biodelignifikasi Menggunakan Kapang Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Dengan Penambahan Mineral Ca Dan Mn (hasil Check Similarity) | Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau | 0 |
96 | Utilization Of Limestone As Catalyst In Biodiesel Production | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 12 (5), 635-638, 2020 | 0 |
97 | Tari Poang Dan Tari Olang-olang Pertunjukan Ritual Masyarakat Sakai Di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau | jurnal mudra 35 (2), 154-163, 2020 | 3 |
98 | Improving The Morphological, Optical, And Photocatalytic Properties Of Octahedral Zn2sno4 Using Garcinia Mangostana Fruit Peel Extract | Vacuum 182, 109719, 2020 | 11 |
99 | The Effect Of Impatiens Balsamina L. Extract On Structural, Morphological, Optical, And Photocatalytic Properties Of Zn2sno4 | Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 12917-12925, 2020 | 4 |
100 | Sintesis Precipitate Calsium Carbonat Sebagai Filler Pada Plastik Ramah Lingkungan | REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering 1 (1), 1-6, 2020 | 7 |
101 | Effect Of Tanin Degradation Of Mangrove Fruit (sonneratia Alba) On Nutrient Degradation, Protozoa Population And Methane Gas Production | Czech J. Anim. Sci 69, 292-301, 2024 | 0 |
102 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Mg, Cu-hap Using Calcium From Lokan Shell (geloina Expansa) And Its Antibacterial Activity. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 17 (3), 2024 | 0 |
103 | Catalytic Innovation For Renewable Energy: Tio2-supported Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Catalyst For Eco-friendly Biodiesel Synthesis | Baghdad Science Journal, 2024 | 0 |
104 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite Composite Of Cuttlefish Bone (sepia Sp.) With Gelatin As Rhodamine B Dye Adsorbent | ChemistrySelect 9 (40), e202403095, 2024 | 0 |
105 | Physical Properties Of Sugarcane (saccharum Officinarum) And Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) Shoot-based Wafers With Different Adhesive Types | Online J. Anim. Feed Res 14 (3), 287-294, 2024 | 2 |
106 | Analysis Of Hydraulic Conductivity Of Tropical Peat Soil On Sand And Clay Substratum In Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 17 (4), 2024 | 0 |
107 | Effect Of Tannin Degradation Of Mangrove Fruit (sonneratia Alba) On Nutrient Degradation, Protozoa Population And Methane Gas Production | Czech J. Anim. Sci 69 (7), 292-301, 2024 | 2 |
108 | Pembuatan Teh Daun Kelor Untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Ulakan Tapakis, Padang Pariaman | Warta Pengabdian Andalas 31 (4), 682-688, 2024 | 0 |
109 | Characterization And Application Of Tio2/zno Nanoparticles As Pigments In Matt-type Water-based Paint | Int J Technol 14 (2), 320-329, 2023 | 5 |
110 | In Vitro Evaluation Of Feed Quality Of Fermented Tithonia Diversifolia With Lactobacillus Bulgaricus And Persea Americana Miller Leaves As Forages For Goat. Tropical Animal … | - | 5 |
111 | Pre-treatments Of Sonneratia Alba Fruit As The Potential Feed For Ruminants Using Aspergillus Niger At Different Fermentation Times: Tannin Concentration, Enzyme Activity, And … | International Journal of Veterinary Science 12 (5), 755-761, 2023 | 7 |
112 | Pituah Paikek: Penciptaan Karya Tari Berangkat Dari Ritus Peralihan Malam Bainai Di Sumatera Barat | Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa 10 (2), 302-311, 2021 | 1 |
113 | Material Density Of Composite Hydroxyapatite Bovine Bone-borosilicate Formed By Compaction And Sintering Techniques | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 990 (1), 012024, 2020 | 0 |
114 | Karakteristik Kalsium Oksida Untuk Pembuatan Aplikasi Biodiesel Dengan Metode Kalsinasi | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri Hijau 2 (1), 205-211, 2020 | 1 |
115 | Pelatihan Pembuatan Desinfektan Dan Hand Sanitizer Di Kelurahan Seberang Padang, Kecamatan Padang Selatan | Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas 27 (3), 213-218, 2020 | 0 |
116 | Degradation And Mineralization Of Violet-3b Dye Using C-n-codoped Tio2 Photocatalyst | Environmental Engineering Research 25 (4), 529-535, 2020 | 29 |
117 | Pelatihan Pembuatan Desinfektan Dan Hand Sanitizer Non-alkohol Di Kelurahan Seberang Padang, Kota Padang | Warta Pengabdian Andalas 27 (3), 213-218, 2020 | 0 |
118 | Arief. 2019. Comparison Of In Vitro Digestibility And Rumen Fluid Characteristics Between The Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) With Elephant Grass (pennisetum Purpureum) | IOP Conf. Ser. J. Phys. Conf. Ser 1469, 012004, 2020 | 16 |
119 | Biodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil Using Catalyst Calcium Oxide Derived Of Limestone Lintau Buo | Archives of Pharmacy Practice 11 (3), 8-15, 2020 | 9 |
120 | Biodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil Using Catalyst Calcium Oxide Derived Of Limestone Lintau Buobiodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil Using Catalyst Calcium Oxide … | Archives of Pharmacy Practice 11 (3-2020), 8-14, 2020 | 12 |
121 | Microstructural Analysis And Optical Properties Of Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxides Synthesized By Precipitation Method | Rasayan J. Chem 12 (1), 85-90, 2019 | 62 |
122 | High Performance Of Photocatalytic Activity Of Cerium Doped Silika Mesoporous Operating Under Visible Light Irradiation | KnE Engineering, 128–140-128–140, 2019 | 4 |
123 | Degradasi Zat Warna Orange-f3r Dan Violet-3b Secara Sonolisis Frekuensi Rendah Dengan Penambahan Katalis Cn-codoped Tio2 | Jurnal Kimia Valensi 5 (1), 35-43, 2019 | 3 |
124 | Catalytic Performance Of Cao/sio2 Prepared From Local Limestone Industry And Rice Husk Silica | The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research 8 (2), 170-178, 2019 | 11 |
125 | Degradation And Mineralization Of Violet-3b Dye Using Cn-codoped Tio2 Photocatalyst | Environmental Engineering Research | 0 |
126 | Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Berbagai Galur Sorgum Mutan Brown Midrib Sebagai Pakan Ternak | Pastura 8 (2), 110-112, 2019 | 10 |
127 | Pengaruh Biourin Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil Hijauan, Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Secara In-vitro Hijauan Lokal Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis … | Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan Berbasis Sumber Daya … | 0 |
128 | Synthesis And Antimicrobial Activity Of Cerium Oxide/ag Dopes Silica Mesoporous Modification As Nanofillers For Food Packaging Applications | Malaysian Applied Biology 48 (4), 25-32, 2019 | 6 |
129 | Pembuatan Nanokomposit Karet Alam/poliolefin/organobentonit | JURNAL KIMIA SAINTEK DAN PENDIDIKAN 3 (2), 45-57, 2019 | 0 |
130 | Ritual Music Concept Of Silungkang Tuo Lament In The Ceremony Of Tiger’s Death In Silungkang Village, Sawah Lunto | International Journal of Cultural Studies Indonesia 1 (1), 1-8, 2019 | 0 |
131 | Biodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil Using Catalyst Calcium Oxide Derived Of Limestone Lintau Buo | Arch. Pharm. Pract 11 (3), 8-14, 2019 | 9 |
132 | Pengaruh Biourin Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil, Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Hijauan Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees.) Pada Lahan Bekas … | Fakultas Peternakan UNJA | 0 |
133 | Pengaruh Biourin Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil, Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Hijauan Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees.) Pada Lahan Bekas … | Fakultas Peternakan UNJA, 2019 | 3 |
134 | Pengaruh Biourin Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil Hijauan, Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Secara In-vitro Hijauan Lokal Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis … | Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan Berbasis Sumber Daya …, 2019 | 1 |
135 | Degradasi Zat Warna Orange-f3r Dan Violet-3b Secara Sonolisis Frekuensi Rendah Dengan Penambahan Katalis Cn-codoped Tio2 Degradation Of Orange-f3r And Violet-3b Dyes By Low … | - | 2 |
136 | Degradasi Zat Warna Orange-f3r Dan Violet-3b Secara Sonolisis Frekuensi Rendah Dengan Penambahan Katalis Cn-codoped Tio2 Degradation Of Orange-f3r And Violet-3b Dyes By Low … | - | 3 |
137 | Kinetics Studies On Photodegradation Of Methyl Orange In The Presence Of Cn-codoped Tio2 Catalyst | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 62 (Special Issue (Part 2) Innovation in …, 2019 | 11 |
138 | Study Of Anti-oxidant Activity Test On Natural Materials Using 1, 1-difenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil (dpph) | SAINTI: Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Industri 16 (2), 156-162, 2019 | 0 |
139 | Microstructural Analysis And Optical Properties Of Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxides Synthesized By Precipitation Method. Rasayan J. Chem, 12 (1), 85-90 | - | 6 |
140 | Kinetics Study And Degradation Pathway Of Methyl Orange Photodegradation In The Presence Of Cn-codoped Tio | - | 0 |
141 | Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency Of Mild Steel In Hydrocloric Acid By Adding Theobroma Cacao Peel Extract | -, ---, 2018 | 17 |
142 | Theobroma Cacao Peel Extract As The Eco-friendly Corrosion Inhibitor For Mild Steel | Corrosion inhibitors, principles and recent applications, 201-224, 2018 | 16 |
143 | Microstuctural Analysis And Optical Properties Of Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxides Synthesized By Precipitation Method | OSF, 2018 | 62 |
144 | Caracterization And Compressive Strength Of Biocomposite Hydroxyapatite-borosilicate With Hight Temperature Sintering | MATEC Web of Conferences 248, 01005, 2018 | 0 |
145 | Characterization Of Enhanced Antibacterial Effects Of Silver Loaded Cerium Oxide Catalyst | Oriental Journal Of Chemistry 34 (6), 7, 2018 | 12 |
146 | Analisa Kekuatan Tekan Biokomposit Hidroksiapatit Tulang Sapi-borosilikat Dengan Variasi Komposisi Dan Tekanan Cetakan | Universitas Tarumanagara, 2018 | 0 |
147 | Microbial Protein Synthesis And In Vitro Fermentability Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And … | Pak. J. Nutr 17 (10), 462-470 | 13 |
148 | Populations Of Rumen Microbes And The In Vitro Digestibility Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Elephant Grass (pennisetum … | Pak J Nutr 17 (1), 39-45 | 15 |
149 | Populations Of Rumen Microbes And The In Vitro Digestibility Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And Elephant Grass (pennisetum … | Pak. J. Nutr 17 (1), 39-45, 2018 | 34 |
150 | Microbial Protein Synthesis And In Vitro Fermentability Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And … | Pak. J. Nutr 17 (10), 462-470, 2018 | 34 |
151 | Effect Of Hydrothermal Temperature On Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite From Limestone Via Hydrothermal Method | International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 10 (1), 136, 2018 | 7 |
152 | Characterization Of Enhanced Antibacterial Effects Of Silver Loaded Cerium Oxide Catalyst. | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 34 (6), 2018 | 13 |
153 | Theobroma Cacao Peels Extract As The Eco-friendly Corrosion Inhibitor For Mild Steel | Intech Open Science 1, 202-223, 2018 | 0 |
154 | Synthesis Of Zeolite-x From Rice Husk Silica And Aluminum Metal As A Catalyst For Transesterification Of Palm Oil | Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 8 (5), 1797-1802, 2017 | 42 |
155 | The Utilization Of Dolomite As Catalyst In Biodiesel Production. | Rasa¯ yan Journal of Chemistry 10 (1), 160-164 | 1 |
156 | Utilization Natural Zeolyte From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support In Degradation Of Congo Red And A Waste Simulation By Photolysis | Der Pharmacia Lettre 9 (5), 1-10, 2017 | 14 |
157 | Photocatalytic Performance Of Zno-znfe 2 O 4 Magnetic Nanocomposites On Degradation Of Congo Red Dye Under Solar Light Irradiation | J. Mater. Environ. Sci 8 (8), 1634-1643, 2017 | 15 |
158 | Journal Of Applicable Chemistry | Journal of Applicable Chemistry 6 (6), 1058-1068, 2017 | 0 |
159 | Strength Of Material Hap-borosilicate And Their Sintering Behaviors | ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 33 (2), 920-924 | 0 |
160 | Pengembangan Website Kantor Perkebunan Pengolahan Bibit Unggul Kakao Kab. Luwu Utara | Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi 7 (1), 2017 | 6 |
161 | Synthesis And Microstructural Characterization Of Modified Nano-cerium Silica Mesoporous By Surfactant-assisted Hydrothermal Method | Journal of Applicable Chemistry 6 (6), 1058-1068, 2017 | 1 |
162 | Theobroma Cacao Extract Peels (tcpe) Green Inhibitor To Recovery The Mechanical Properties Of Mild Steel After Corrosion | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (18), 5325-5322, 2017 | 11 |
163 | Magnetically Separable Zno-mnfe2o4 Nanocomposites Synthesized In Organic-free Media For Dye Degradation Under Natural Sunlight | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33 (6), 2758, 2017 | 21 |
164 | Influence Of Kinetic Variables On Rubber Seed Oil Trans-esterification Using Bifunctional Catalyst Cao-mgo/sio2 | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33 (6), 2891-2898, 2017 | 21 |
165 | Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Based On An Ammoniated Palm Frond With Direct Fed Microbials And Virgin Coconut Oil On The Growth Performance And Methane Production Of Bali … | Pak. J. Nutr 16, 599-604 | 10 |
166 | Research Article Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Based On An Ammoniated Palm Frond With Direct Fed Microbials And Virgin Coconut Oil On The Growth Performance And Methane … | - | 0 |
167 | Influence Of Kinetic Variables On Rubber Seed Oil Transesterification Using Bifunctional Catalyst Cao-mgo/sio2 | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33 (6), 2891, 2017 | 21 |
168 | Strength Of Material Hap-borosilicate And Their Sintering Behavior | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33 (2), 920, 2017 | 0 |
169 | The Utilization Of Dolomite As Catalyst In Biodiesel Production | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 10 (1), 160-164, 2017 | 16 |
170 | Nilai Bhineka Tunggal Ika Pada Film Batas (beda Atau Tak Satu)(analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes) | Jurnal Desain, Multimedia, dan Industri Kreatif Proporsi (Online) 3 (01), 2017 | 2 |
171 | Synthesis Of Bifungsional Catalyst (cao-mgo/sio2) For Transesterification Rubber Seed Oil | - | 0 |
172 | Digestibility Of Goat Rations Containing Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Supplemented With Phosphorus, Sulfur And Magnesium. | Journal of Biological Sciences 17 (7), 298-304, 2017 | 5 |
173 | Effects Of Calcium (ca), Phosphorus (p), And Manganese (mn) Supplementation During Oil Palm Frond Fermentation By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium On Rumen Fluid Characteristics And … | Pak. J. Nutr. 16, 393-399 | 5 |
174 | Utilization Natural Zeolyte From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support In Degradation Of Congo Red And A Waste Simulation By Photolysis, Der Pharm | Lett 9, 1-10 | 6 |
175 | Utilization Natural Zeolit From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support In Degradation Of Congo Red And A Waste Simulation By Photolysis | Der Pharm. Lett 9, 1-10, 2017 | 14 |
176 | Effects Of Calcium, Phosphorus And Manganese Supplementation During Oil Palm Frond Fermentation By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium On Laccase Activity And In Vitro Digestibility | Pak J Nutr 16 (3), 119-124, 2017 | 19 |
177 | Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Based On An Ammoniated Palm Frond With Direct Fed Microbials And Virgin Coconut Oil On The Growth Performance And Methane Production Of Bali … | Pak. J. Nutr 16, 599-604, 2017 | 16 |
178 | Research Article Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Based On An Ammoniated Palm Frond With Direct Fed Microbials And Virgin Coconut Oil On The Growth Performance And Methane … | - | 0 |
179 | Transformasi Cerpen Kmgp Ke Film Kmgp “karya Helvy Tiana Rosa” | PROPORSI: Jurnal Desain, Multimedia dan Industri Kreatif 3 (1), 01-10, 2017 | 2 |
180 | Elihasridas., R. Pazla, And Fitriyani. 2017 | vitro nutrients digestability of the combinations titonia (Tithonia …, 2017 | 12 |
181 | Effects Of Calcium (ca), Phosphorus (p), And Manganese (mn) Supplementation During Oil Palm Frond Fermentation By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium On Rumen Fluid Characteristics And … | Pak. J. Nutr 16 (6), 393-399, 2017 | 17 |
182 | The Effects Of P, S And Mg Supplementation Of Oil Palm Fronds Fermented By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium On Rumen Fluid Characteristics And Microbial Protein Synthesis | Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (3), 299-304, 2016 | 23 |
183 | Effisiensi Inhibisi Korosi Baja Lunak Dalam Media Asam Dengan Inhibitor Ekstrak Kulit Buah Kakao (theobroma Cacao) | Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri 7 (2), 67-80, 2016 | 1 |
184 | Inhibitory Action Of Theobroma Cacao Peels Extract On Corrosion Of Mild Steel In Different Media | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 9 (4), 716-727, 2016 | 16 |
185 | Corrosion Behavior Of Environmental Friendly Inhibitor Of Theobroma Cacao Peels Extract For Mild Steel In Nacl 1.5 M. | EnvironmentAsia 9 (1), 2016 | 11 |
186 | Transesterification Of Castor Oil Using Mgo/sio2 Catalyst And Coconut Oil As Co-reactant. | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (1), 385-390 | 4 |
187 | The Effect Of Calcination Temperatures On The Activity Of Cao And Cao/sio2 Heterogeneous Catalyst For Transesterification Of Rubber Seed Oil In The Presence Of Coconut Oil As A Co-reactant. | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (6), 3021-3026 | 1 |
188 | Supplementation Of Direct Fed Microbial (dfm) On In Vitro Fermentability And Degradability Of Ammoniated Palm Frond | Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (1), 90, 2016 | 25 |
189 | Synthesis Of Zno-nife2o4 Magnetic Nanocomposites By Simple Solvothermal Method For Photocatalytic Dye Degradation Under Solar Light | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (3), 1411-1419, 2016 | 44 |
190 | Role Of Probiotics In Improving Ration Digestibility Based On Palm Oil Industry By Product On Etawa Cross Bred Dairy Goat | Abstract of Applied Sciences and Engineering 12, 1-6, 2016 | 0 |
191 | Effect Of Firing For Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite By Precipitation Method | oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (4), 2095, 2016 | 9 |
192 | The Effect Of Calcination Temperatures On The Activity Of Cao And Cao/sio2 Heterogeneous Catalyst For Transesterification Of Rubber Seed Oil In The Presence Of Coconu... | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (6), 3021-3026 | 1 |
193 | Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite From Halaban Limestone By Sol-gel Method | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 7 (5Â …, 2016 | 7 |
194 | The Effect Of Calcination Temperatures On The Activity Of Cao And Cao/sio2 Heterogeneous Catalyst For Transesterification Of Rubber Seed Oil In The Presence Of Coconut Oil As AÂ … | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (6), 3021-3026 | 13 |
195 | Biodegradable Plastic Of Jicama Starch (pachyrhizus Erosus) With Precipitate Calcium Carbonate As A Filler | - | 3 |
196 | Transesterification Of Castor Oil Usingmgo/sio2 Catalyst And Coconutoilas Co-reactant | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (1), 385, 2016 | 23 |
197 | Correlation Between Inhibition Efficiency And Adsorption Occurs On The Steel Surface Using Corrosion Inhibitor Of Peels Cacao Extract (theobroma Cacao) In Hcl Media | ICEOH, ---, 2016 | 0 |
198 | Effect Of Temperature Heating Effects Manufacture Biodegradable Plastic Starch Jicama (pachyrhizus Erosus) | The First International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society …, 2016 | 0 |
199 | Synthesis Of Zeolite Zms-5 From Rice Husk Ash Ash As Catalyst In Vegetable Oil Transesterification For Biodisel Production | Der Pharm. Lett 8 (19), 86-91, 2016 | 7 |
200 | Pembuatan Bioplastik Dari Pati Singkong (manihot Escullenta Crantz) Dengan Menggunakan Gliserol Dan Polivinil Alkohol (pva) | Skripsi Universitas Andalas, 2016 | 1 |
201 | Inhibitory Action Of Theobroma Cacao Peels Extract On Corrosion Of Mild Steel In Different Media. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 9 (4), 2016 | 17 |
202 | The Effect Of Calcination Temperatures On The Activity Of Cao And Cao/sio2 Heterogeneous Catalyst For Transesterification Of Rubber Seed Oil In The Presence Of Coconut Oil As AÂ … | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32 (6), 3021, 2016 | 23 |
203 | Efisiensi Inhibisi Korosi Baja Lunak Dalam Media Asam Dengan Inhibitor Ekstrak Kulit Buah Kakao (theobroma Cacao) | Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri 7 (2), 67-80, 2016 | 1 |
204 | Corrosion Inhibitor Of Mild Steel By Polar Extract Of Theobroma Cacao Peels In Hydrochloric Acid Solution | Asian Journal of Chemistry 27 (3), 875-880, 2015 | 40 |
205 | Effect Of Polar Extract Of Cocoa Peels Inhibitor On Mechanical Properties And Microstructure Of Mild Steel Exposed In Hydrocloric Acid | Applied Mechanics and Materials 776, 193-200, 2015 | 6 |
206 | Degradasi Senyawa Permetrindengan Menggunakan Tio2-anatase Dan Zeolit Alam Secara Sonolisis | Jurnal Riset Kimia 2 (2), 140, 2015 | 7 |
207 | Peran Direct Fed Microbials (dfm) Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Dan Aspergillus Oryzae Terhadap Produktivitas Ternak Ruminansia | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 17 (1), 27-37, 2015 | 16 |
208 | Facile Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite Particles From Cockle Shells (anadaragranosa) By Hydrothermal Method | Oriental journal of chemistry 31 (2), 1099-1105, 2015 | 64 |
209 | Dip-coating Senyawa Kalsium Fosfat Dari Batu Kapur Bukit Tui Melalui Metode Sol-gel | Jurnal Riset Kimia 5 (1), 46, 2015 | 0 |
210 | Pengaruh Suhu Pada Pembentukan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Melalui Metoda Kaustik Soda Dengan Menggunakan Pelarut Asam Klorida | Jurnal Riset Kimia 3 (1), 12, 2015 | 1 |
211 | Pembuatan Pasta Dan Pembentukan Lapisan Tipis Hidroksi Apatit Karbonat | Jurnal Riset Kimia 7 (2), 161, 2015 | 1 |
212 | Pembuatan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Dari Batu Kapur Dengan Metoda Kaustik Soda | Jurnal Riset Kimia 1 (1), 20, 2015 | 8 |
213 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Modified Mesoporous Silica-imobilized Cu (ii)-acetonitrile Complex And Its Application In Transesterification Of Frying Oil | Jurnal Riset Kimia 7 (2), 174 | 0 |
214 | Effect Of Temperature On Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite From Limestone | Rasayan J. Chem 8 (1), 133-137, 2015 | 31 |
215 | Kandungan Fraksi Serat Pelepah Sawit Hasil Biodelignifikasi Menggunakan Kapang Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Dengan Penambahan Mineral Ca Dan Mn | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 17 (3Â …, 2015 | 4 |
216 | Preparation, Characterization Of Zno/cofe2o4 Magnetic Nanocomposites And Activity Evaluation Under Solar Light Irradiation | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (9S), 139-146, 2015 | 10 |
217 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Modified Mesoporous Silica-imobilized Cu (ii)-acetonitrile Complex And Its Application In Trans... | Jurnal Riset Kimia 7 (2), 174 | 0 |
218 | Pengaruh Suhu Pada Pembentukan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Melalui Metoda Kaustik Soda Dengan Menggunakan Pela... | Jurnal Riset Kimia 3 (1), 12 | 1 |
219 | Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite By Hydrothermal Method From Cockle Shell (anadara Granosa) | J Chem Pharm Res 7 (5), 798-804, 2015 | 22 |
220 | Facile Synthesis Of Hidroxyapatite Particels From Cockle Shells (anadara Granosa) By Hidrothermal Method | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 31 (2), 1099-1105 | 28 |
221 | Synthesis And Characterizations Precipitated Calsium Carbonate From Shell Crust (anadara Granosa) | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 6 (5Â …, 2015 | 3 |
222 | Effect Of Ph Variation On Hydroxyapatite Synthesis Through Sol-gel Method | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 6 (3Â …, 2015 | 9 |
223 | Corrosion Inhibition Of Environmental Friendly Inhibitor Using Theobroma Cacao Peels Extract On Mild Steel In Nacl Solution | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (5), 1083-1094, 2015 | 11 |
224 | Effect Of Hydrothermal Temperature On Synthesize Of Hydroxyapatite From Limestone Through Hydrothermal Method | J. Chem. Pharm. Res 7 (6), 832-837, 2015 | 7 |
225 | Corrosion Inhibitor Of Mild Steel By Polar Extract Of Theobroma Cacao Peels In Hydrochloric Acid Solution. | Asian Journal of Chemistry 27 (3), 2015 | 44 |
226 | Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Mineral Ca Dan Lama Fermentasi Pelepah Sawit Terhadap Kandungan Lignin, Kecernaan Bk, Bo, Pk Dan Fraksi Serat (ndf, Adf, Hemiselulosa Dan Selulosa … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 17 (2 … | 5 |
227 | Synthesis And Characterization Carbonate Apatite From Bukit Tui Limestone, Padang, Indonesia | Journal of Applicable Chemistry 4 (2), 542-549, 2015 | 7 |
228 | Effect Of Polar Extract Of Cocoa Peels Inhibitor On Mechanical Properties And Microstructure Of Mild Steel Exposed In Hydrochloric Acid | Applied Mechanics and Materials 776, 193-200, 2015 | 5 |
229 | Pengaruh Penggunaan Inhibitor Korosi Ekstrak Polar Kulit Buah Kakao Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Baja Lunak | Prosiding (SNMTK)-2015, 296-303, 2015 | 0 |
230 | Preparation, Characterization Of Zno/cofe2o4 Magnetic Nanocomposites And Activity Evaluation Under Solar Light Irradiation. | - | 10 |
231 | Synthesis And Characterization Carbonate Apatite From Bukit Tui Limestone Padang Indonesia | Journal of Applicable Chemistry 4 (2), 542-549, 2015 | 7 |
232 | Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Mineral Ca Dan Lama Fermentasi Pelepah Sawit Terhadap Kandungan Lignin, Kecernaan Bk, Bo, Pk Dan Fraksi Serat (ndf, Adf, Hemiselulosa Dan Selulosa … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 17 (2 …, 2015 | 19 |
233 | Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol Dan Variasi Berat Pati Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Bioplastik Dari Pati Umbi Talas | JURNAL KIMIA UNAND, 116, 2015 | 0 |
234 | Pemanfaatan Produk Fermentasi Biji Karet (hevea Brasilliensis) Dengan Rhizopus Oligosporus Dalam Ransum Ayam Broiler. | JITV 19 (3), 2014 | 7 |
235 | Effect Of Mixing Temperature On The Synthesis Of Hydroxy Apatite By Sol-gel Method | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 30 (4), 1799-1804, 2014 | 9 |
236 | Pengaruh Penggunaan Berbagai Bahan Sumber Karbohidrat Terhadap Kualitas Silase Pucuk Tebu | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 16 (2Â …, 2014 | 14 |
237 | Green Approach To Corrosion Inhibition Of Mild Steel By Essential Compound Peels Of Theobroma Cacao In 1.5 M Hydrochliric Acid Medium | -, ---, 2014 | 0 |
238 | Inhibitor Korosi Ramah Lingkungan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Kakao (theobroma Cacao) Untuk Baja Lunak Dalam Nacl 1.5 M | Semirata, 2014 | 0 |
239 | Khasrad And M. Rini. 2014. Biological Delignification By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium With Addition Of Mineral Mn And Its Effect On Nutrient Content Of Oil Palm Frond | The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress November 1014, 1.723-1.726, 2014 | 13 |
240 | Sintesis Hidrotermal Bio-keramik Hidroksiapatit Dari Terumbu Karang Sumatera Barat. Sl | Prosiding SEMIRATA Bidang MIPA BKS-PTN, 2014 | 5 |
241 | Pembuatan Pasta Dan Pembentukan Lapisan Tipis Hidroksi Apatit Karbonat | Jurnal Riset Kimia 7 (2), 161-161, 2014 | 1 |
242 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Modified Mesoporous Silica-imobilized Cu (ii)-acetonitrile Complex And Its Application In Transesterification Of Frying Oil | Jurnal Riset Kimia 7 (2), 174-174, 2014 | 1 |
243 | Sintesis Hidrotermal Bio-keramik Hidroksiapatit Dari Terumbu Karang Sumatera Barat | Prosiding SEMIRATA, 2014 | 8 |
244 | Effect Of Supplementation Sacharonyces Cerevisiae And Leucaena Leucocephala On Low Quality Roughage Feed In Beef Cattle Diet. | - | 7 |
245 | Dasar Nutrisi Ruminansia | Diktat. Edisi I, CV Jaya Surya, Padang, 2013 | 18 |
246 | Effect Of Phosphorus Supplementation To Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Microbial Protein Synthesis And In Vitro Nutrient Degradability. | - | 2 |
247 | Suplementasi Mineral Sulfur Pada Ransum Tongkol Jagung Amoniasi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kecernaan Secara In Vitro | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 14 (2Â …, 2012 | 2 |
248 | Pengolahan Limbah Polipropilen Menjadi Bahan Bakar Cair Melalui Metode Pirolisis | Jurnal Riset Kimia 5 (2), 158-158, 2012 | 3 |
249 | Departement Of Animal Production, Faculty Of Agriculture, Muaro Bungo University, Pendidikan Street Sungai Binjai Km 6.5 Muaro Bungo Jambi, Indonesia 2 Faculty Of Animal … | Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2 (2), 163-166 | 0 |
250 | Effect Of Phosphorus Supplementation To Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Microbial Protein Synthesis Andin Vitro Nutrient Degradability | IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE 2 (2), 163-166, 2012 | 2 |
251 | Effect Of Phosphorus Supplementation To Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Microbial Protein Synthesis And <i>in Vitro</i> Nutrient Degradability | Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2 (2), 163-166 | 0 |
252 | Departement Of Animal Production, Faculty Of Agriculture, Muaro Bungo University, Pendidikan Street Sungai Binjai Km 6.5 Muaro Bungo Jambi, Indonesia 2 Faculty Of Animal … | Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2 (2), 163-166, 2012 | 0 |
253 | Online Version Is Available On: Www. Ijas. Ir | Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2 (2), 13-19, 2012 | 0 |
254 | Penggunaan Zeolit Sebagai Pendegradasi Senyawa Permetrin Dengan Metoda Fotolisis | Jurnal Natur Indonesia 14 (01), 2012 | 7 |
255 | Effect Of Yeast (saccharomyces Cerevisiae) On Fermentability, Microbial Population And Digestibility Of Low Quality Roughage In Vitro | Archiva Zootechnica 14 (4), 51, 2011 | 30 |
256 | Degradasi Senyawa Permetrin Dengan Menggunakan Zeolit Alam Terpilar Tio2-anatase Secara Sonolisis | Ecolab 5 (1), 35-43, 2011 | 3 |
257 | Penggunaan Zeolit Sebagai Pendegradasi Senyawa Permetrin Dengan Metoda Fotolisis | Jurnal Natur Indonesia 14 (1), 14-18, 2011 | 7 |
258 | Pengaruh Kondisi Kalsinasi Pada Sintesis Senyawa Hydroxyapatite | Photon: Journal of Natural Sciences and Technology 2 (1), 13-21, 2011 | 1 |
259 | The Effect Of Incubation Time And Level Of Urea On Dry Matter, Organic Matter And Crude Protein Digestibility Of Passion Fruit (passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa) Hulls | Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 36 (3), 180-184, 2011 | 6 |
260 | Dip-coating Senyawa Kalsium Fosfat Dari Batu Kapur Bukit Tui Melalui Metode Sol-gel | Jurnal Riset Kimia 5 (1), 46-46, 2011 | 0 |
261 | Effect Of Yeast (saccharomyces Cerevisiae) On Fermentability, Microbial Population And Digestibility Of Low Quality Roughage In Vitro. | - | 30 |
262 | Degradation Of Permethrin By Photolysis Method Using Catalyst Tio 2-anatase | Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 11 (2), 2010 | 3 |
263 | Effect Of Phosphorus Supplementation Of Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Synthesised Microbial Protein And Degradability In Vitro | Advances in Animal Biosciences 1 (1), 210-210, 2010 | 4 |
264 | Effect Of Phosphorus And Sulphur Supplementation In Growing Beef Cattle Diet Based On Rice Straw Ammoniated. | - | 10 |
265 | Phosphorus Supplementation Of Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Syntesised Microbial Protein And Degradabilityin Vitro | International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering 4 (5), 357-359, 2010 | 5 |
266 | Effect Of Sulfur Supplementation On In Vitro Fermentability And Degradability Of Ammoniated Rice Straw. | - | 12 |
267 | Effect Of Phosphorus Supplementation Of Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Synthesised Microbial Protein And Degradability <i>in Vitro</i> | Advances in Animal Biosciences 1 (1), 210-210 | 3 |
268 | Phosphorus Supplementation Of Ammoniated Rice Straw On Rumen Fermentability, Synthesised Microbial Protein And Degradability In Vitro | World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol 4, 357-359, 2010 | 4 |
269 | Degradation Of Permethrin By Photolysis Method Using Catalyst Tio {sub 2}-anatase; Degradasi Senyawa Permetrin Secara Fotolisis Dengan Tio {sub 2}-anatase Sebagai Katalis | Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 11, 2010 | 0 |
270 | Degradasi Senyawa Permetrindengan Menggunakan Tio2-anatase Dan Zeolit Alam Secara Sonolisis | Jurnal Riset Kimia 2 (2), 140-140, 2009 | 0 |
271 | Studi Pembentukan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Dari Batu Kapur Alam Sumatera Barat | Ringkasan dan Summary, 1-2, 2009 | 12 |
272 | Studi Pembentukan Precipotated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Dari Batu Kapur Alam Sumatera Barat | Penelitian Hibah strategis Nasional Jurusan Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas … | 7 |
273 | Pengaruh Suhu Pada Pembentukan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Melalui Metoda Kaustik Soda Dengan Menggunakan Pelarut Asam Klorida | Jurnal Riset Kimia 3 (1), 12-12, 2009 | 2 |
274 | Karakteristik Keasaman Katalis Berbasis Silika Sekam Padi Yang Diperoleh Dengan Teknik Sol-gel | Jurnal Sanins dan Teknologi, Universitas Lampung, 2008 | 20 |
275 | The Effect Of Sulphur And Phosphorus Supplementation At Ammoniation Of Palm Oil Leaves On In Vitro Digestibility And Rumen Liquid Characteristics | Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 33 (1), 51-58, 2008 | 3 |
276 | Pengaruh Suhu Pada Pembentukan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Melalui Metoda Kaustik Soda Dengan Menggunakan Pelarut Asam Klorida | Tesis, Universitas Andalas, Padang Hien, 2008 | 2 |
277 | Pembuatan Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Dari Batu Kapur Dengan Metoda Kaustik Soda | Jurnal Riset Kimia 1 (1), 20-20, 2007 | 19 |
278 | Pengaruh Fermentasi Dan Defaunasi Tandan Kosong Sawit Terhadap Kandungan Gizi, Kecernaan Dan Karakteristik Cairan Rumen In-vitro | Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Peternakan 8 (2), 132-144, 2005 | 6 |
279 | Pengaruh Suhu Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Kandungan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar, Serat Kasar, Dan Hcn Biji Karet (hevea Brasiliensis) | Online),(http://www. pustaka. litbang. deptan. go. id/bptpi/lengkap/IPTANAÂ …, 2001 | 1 |
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281 | Utilization Of Rubber Seed Fermented Product With Rhizopus Oligosporus On Broiler Chicken Rations | Seminar Nasional Peternakan dan Veteriner, Bogor (Indonesia), 18-19 Sep 2000, 2000 | 0 |
282 | Pemanfaatan Produk Fermentasi Biji Karet Dengan Rhizopus Oligosporus Dalam Ransum Ayam Broiler | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peternakan dan Veteriner. Pusat Penelitian dan …, 2000 | 9 |
283 | Pemanfaatan Produk Fermentasi Biji Karet (hevea Brasilliensis) Dengan Rhizopus Oligosporus Dalam Ransum Ayam Broiler. Pros | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner. Bogor, 18-19, 2000 | 7 |
284 | Utilization Of Alkali Chemicals For Increasing Quality Of Sugarcane Tops | Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Indonesia) 11 (29), 1999 | 0 |
285 | Effect Of Cutting Leaves Of Rice (oryza Sativa L.) On Quality Of Its Rice Straw | Jurnal Peternakan dan Lingkungan (Indonesia) 5 (2), 1999 | 1 |
286 | Effect Of Using Rubber Seed Meal On Performance Of Quail (coturnix-coturnix Japonica) | Jurnal Peternakan dan Lingkungan (Indonesia) 5 (2), 1999 | 0 |
287 | Bioproses Jerami Padi Dengan Trichoderma Harzianum Sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak | Proseding Seminar Ilmiah Tahunan Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia di Padang 23, 1999 | 5 |
288 | Biokonversi Serat Sawit Dengan Aspergillus Niger Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia | Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi VIII. Tahun anggaran 2000, 1999 | 8 |
289 | Penyediaan, Pemanfaatan Dan Nilai Gizi Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Makanan Ternak Di Sumatera Barat | Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas, Padang | 12 |
290 | Penyediaan Pemanfaatan Dan Nilai Gizi Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Makanan Ternak Di Sumatera Barat | Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas. Padang, 1991 | 17 |
291 | Enhancement Of The Feeding Value Of Rice Straw With Rice Forage Silage. | - | 1 |
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297 | The Voluntary Intake And Digestibility Of Sugarcane (saccharum Officinarum L.) Top Hay And Peanut (arachis Hypogaea L.) Hay In Combination With Ipil-ipil (leucaena Leucocephala … | - | 1 |
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302 | Transesterification Of Castor Oil Using Mgo/sio | - | 0 |
303 | Digestibility Of Sheep Ration Containing Ammoniated Palm Oil Leaves Supplemented With Sulphur, Phospor, And Cassava Leaves | IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) | 0 |
304 | Synthesis Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (pcc) Using Lisin As Directing Agent | - | 0 |
305 | Pengaruh Tingkat Pemberian Ransum Dan Lama Penggemukan Terhadap Karakteristik Karkas Sapi Pesisir | IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) | 0 |
306 | The Use Of Waste Cacao (thiobrome Cacao. L) Fermentation As Subsitute For Forage To Cattle Sheep Performance | INA-Rxiv | 0 |
307 | Influence Of Kinetic Variables On Rubber Seed Oil Trans-esterification Using Bifunctional Catalyst Cao-mgo/sio | - | 0 |
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309 | Optimanization Of Manufacturing Of Biodegradable Plastic Starch Jicama (pachyrhizus Erosus) | - | 0 |
310 | Modification Of Hydroxiapatites With Magnesium Using Calcium From Blood Blood Skin (tegillarca Granosa) And Test Of Antibacy Activity | - | 0 |
311 | Khasrad. 2017. Effects Of Using Different Levels Of Oil Palm Fronds (fopfs) Fermented With Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Plus Minerals (p, S, And Mg) Instead Of Napier Grass On … | Pak. J. Nutr 16 (8), 612-617 | 9 |
312 | Gunawarman,(2017) Strength Of Material Hap-borosilicate And Their Sintering Behaviors | Oriental Journal Of Chemistry 33 (2), 920-924, 0 | 1 |
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314 | Arief., Pazla, R., 2017. Populations Of Rumen Microbes And The In Vitro Digestibility Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And … | Pak. J. Nutr. Sci 17, 39-45 | 9 |
315 | Emriadi, E. & Arief, S.(2016). Synthesis Of Znonife2o4 Magnetic Nanocomposites By Simple Solvothermal Method For Photocatalytic Dye Degradation Under Solar Light | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32, 1411-1419 | 11 |
316 | Arief 2018 Microbial Protein Synthesis And In Vitro Fermentability Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia … | Pak. J. Nutr 17, 462-470 | 8 |
317 | Arief And R. Pazla 2017. Effects Of Calcium, Phosphorus And Manganese Supplementation During Oil Palm Frond Fermentation By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium On Laccase Activity And … | Pak. J. Nutr 16, 119-124 | 5 |
318 | Gunawarman.(2017) | Strength of Material HApBorosilicate and Their Sintering Behaviors, ORIENTALÂ … | 3 |
319 | Catalytic Activity Of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate For Biodiesel Production | - | 0 |
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324 | Optimanization Of Manufacturing Of Biodegradable Plastic Starch Jicama (pachyrhizus Erosus) | - | 0 |
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328 | Degradation Of Permethrin By Photolysis Method Using Catalyst Tio2-anatase | Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 11 (2), 130885, 0 | 0 |
329 | Emriadi, E. & Arief, S.(2016). Synthesis Of Znonife2o4 Magnetic Nanocomposites By Simple Solvothermal Method For Photocatalytic Dye Degradation Under Solar Light | Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32, 1411-1419, 0 | 10 |
330 | Arnim & Rws Ningrat. 2013. Effect Of Supplementation Sacharomyces Cerevisiae And Leucaena Leucocephala On Low Quality Roughage Feed In Beef Cattle Diet | Pakistan J. Nutr 12, 182-184, 0 | 4 |
331 | Catalytic Activity Of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate For Biodiesel Production | - | 0 |
332 | Pengaruh Tingkat Pemberian Ransum Dan Lama Penggemukan Terhadap Karakteristik Karkas Sapi Pesisir | IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 0 | 0 |
333 | Modification Of Hydroxiapatites With Magnesium Using Calcium From Blood Blood Skin (tegillarca Granosa) And Test Of Antibacy Activity | - | 0 |
334 | Suplementasi Direct Fed Microbials (dfm) Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering (kcbk), Bahan Organik (kcbo) Dan Konsentrasi Vollatile Fatty Acid (vfa) Pelepah Sawit Amoniasi In Vitro … | - | 0 |
335 | Improvement Of Mechanical, Thermal, And Morphological Properties Of Organo-precipitated Calcium Carbonate Filled Lldpe/cyclic Natural Rubber Composites | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 0 |
336 | Zulkarnaini, 2010. Effect Of Phosphorus And Sulphur Supplementation In Growing Beef Cattle Diet Based On Rice Straw Ammoniated | Asian J. Scient. Res 3, 184-188 | 6 |
337 | Mufitra.(2016) Hydroxyapatite Materials: Sysnthesis By Using Precipitation Method From Limestone | Der Pharma Chemica 8 (13), 302-306 | 5 |
338 | Pituah Paikek: Penciptaan Karya Tari Berangkat Dari Ritus Peralihan Malam Bainai Di Sumatera Barat | Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa 10 (2), 302-311 | 0 |
339 | Influence Of Lldpe-g-ma On Mechanical Properties, Degradation Performance And Water Absorption Of Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 0 | 2 |
340 | Improvement Of Mechanical, Thermal, And Morphological Properties Of Organo-precipitated Calcium Carbonate Filled Lldpe/cyclic Natural Rubber Composites | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 0 | 2 |
341 | Analisis Sektroskopi Infra Merah Dan Morfologi Pada Komposit Polietilena/karet Alam Siklis/precipitated Calcium Carbonate Yang Dihasilkan Melalui Metode Sistem Pelarut | - | 0 |
342 | Pituah Paikek: Penciptaan Karya Tari Berangkat Dari Ritus Peralihan Malam Bainai Di Sumatera Barat | Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa 10 (2), 302-311, 0 | 0 |
343 | The Effect Of Polyethylene-polypropylene Blends On Mechanical, Thermal Stability, Morphology, And Water Absorption Of Sago ( Metroxylon Sagu Rottb.) Starch … | Thermal Stability, Morphology, and Water Absorption of Sago, 0 | 0 |
344 | Mufitra.(2016) Hydroxyapatite Materials: Sysnthesis By Using Precipitation Method From Limestone | Der Pharma Chemica 8 (13), 302-306, 0 | 5 |
345 | Suplementasi Direct Fed Microbials (dfm) Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering (kcbk), Bahan Organik (kcbo) Dan Konsentrasi Vollatile Fatty Acid (vfa) Pelepah Sawit Amoniasi In Vitro … | - | 0 |
346 | Synthesis Of 2-hydroxyethyl Esters From Castor Oil As Lubrication Bio-additive Candidates For Low-sulfur Fossil Diesel | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 22 (3), 845-856, 0 | 1 |
347 | Elihasridas., R. Pazla, And Fitriyani. 2017 | vitro nutrients digestability of the combinations titonia (Tithonia …, 0 | 6 |
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349 | Precipitated Calcium Carbonate/lithopone Nanoparticles As Substitution Of Tio2 Pigment For Matte-type Water-based Paint | - | 0 |
350 | Mise En Scene Dalam Film Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan | Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa 11 (2), 288-295, 0 | 1 |
351 | The Effect Of Oleic Acid-grafted Linear Low-density Polyethylene As Compatibilizer On The Properties Of Linear Low-density Polyethylene/cyclic Natural Rubber Blends | - | 0 |
352 | Effects Of Lldpe On Mechanical Properties, Degradation Performance, And Water Absorption Of Thermoplastic Sago Starch Blends | - | 0 |
353 | The Effect Of Sulphur And Phosphorus Supplementation At Ammoniation Of Palm Oil Leaves On In Vitro Digestibility And Rumen Liquid Characteristics | - | 0 |
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355 | Jurnal Review Kajian Aktivitas Anti Oksidan Pada Bahan Alam Dengan Menggunanakan 1, 1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (dpph) | - | 0 |
356 | Characterization And Application Of Tio2/zno Nanoparticles As Pigments In Matt-type Water-based Paint | - | 0 |
357 | Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite-polyethylene Glycol With In-situ Method Using Calcium Oxide From Blood Shells (anadara Granosa) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 0 | 2 |
358 | Pengaruh Biourine Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Hasil Hijauan, Protein Kasar Serta Fosfor Rumput Kumpai (hymenachne Amplexicaulis (rudge) Nees) Pada Lahan Bekas Tambang … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 23 (1), 1-6, 0 | 0 |
359 | The Effect Of Ph On The Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite-polyethylene Glycol Composites By In-situ Process | - | 0 |
360 | Intake, Body Weight Gaint And Feed Efficiency Of Kacang Goat Fed By Mangrove (rhizophora Apiculata) And Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) With Different Levels | 5th ANIMAL PRODUCTION INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, 101, 0 | 0 |
361 | Elihasridas And Putri Em, 2022. Improving Rumen Fermentation Characteristics And Nutrient Digestibility By Increasing Rumen Degradable Protein In Ruminant Feed Using Thitonia … | International Journal of Veterinary Science 11 (3), 353-360, 0 | 7 |
362 | Arief.(2019). Comparison Of In Vitro Digestibility And Rumen Fluid Characteristics Between The Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) With Elephant Grass (pennisetum Purpureum). Iop … | - | 9 |
363 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composites: Study Of Ph And Sintering Influenced On The Structural, Morphological, And Clindamycin Release Behavior | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 0 | 0 |
364 | Cuttlefish (sepia Sp.) Derived Heat Resistance Hydroxyapatite/alginate Composites Through The Sol-gel Method | - | 0 |
365 | Synthesis And Characterization Of Mg, Cu-hap Using Calcium From Lokan Shell (geloina Expansa) And Its Antibacterial Activity | - | 0 |
366 | Arief And R Pazla (2018). Populations Of Rumen Microbes And The In Vitro Digestibility Of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds In Combination With Tithonia (tithonia Diversifolia) And … | Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 17, 39-45, 0 | 12 |
367 | Khasrad (2017). Digestibility Of Goat Rations Containing Fermented Oil Palm Fronds By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Supplemented With Phosphorus, Sulfur And Magnesium | J. Biol. Sci 17, 298-304, 0 | 4 |
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369 | Development Of Environmentally Friendly Bioplastics Based On Jicama (pachyrizus Erosus) Starch With Calcium Carbonate Precipitate Filler | Available at SSRN 5022764, 0 | 0 |
370 | Effect Of Temperature On Synthesis Of Hydroxyapatite/chitosan Composite Using The In-situ Method As A Heavy Metal Adsorbent | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 0 | 0 |
371 | M. Zain & Febriana, D. 2015. Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Meneral Ca Dan Lama Ferementasi Pelapah Sawit Terhadap Kandungan Lignin, Kecernaan Bk, Bo, Pk Dan Fraksi Serat (ndf, Adf … | Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 17 (2), 151-162, 0 | 5 |